The consortium consists of the following partners :

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General Partner Description:
Founded in 2012, White Research (WR) is a renowned research and consultancy company specializing in social and consumer behavior, market analysis, stakeholder engagement, innovation management and EU policy and strategy. Most notably, WR was recognized as one of the top 10 SMEs to receive Horizon Europe funding in Belgium. With a remarkable track record, WR has actively participated in more than 30 EU-funded projects, including Horizon Europe, H2020 and Digital Europe, demonstrating its extensive expertise in EU funding projects and EU studies. In addition, WR ‘s EU-funded department helped its client win the “Most Successful Institution in Turkey” award under H2020. WR ‘s communications department has successfully managed more than thirty (30) clients and projects.
Role in MOBI-TWIN project:
White Research (WR) is the COORDINATOR of the MOBI – TWIN project and is responsible for overall coordination, project management and quality control. In addition to the coordination activities, WR will take the lead in the following activities: 1) Conducting an EU-wide survey of more than 12,000 people in the EU to develop an open data set on the drivers, forms and impacts of spatial mobility due to the Twin Transition; 2) WR is also responsible for sustainability and intellectual property rights management; 3) Finally, WR as leader of “Ethical Requirements” ensures that all project activities comply with the ethical standards of research and that participants’ rights are protected.
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General Partner Description:
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) is the largest university in Greece with 86,000 under-graduate and 9,000 postgraduate students, performing research in all fields of theoretical and applied science. Since 2011, AUTH has collaborated with more than 1,900 partners for the implementation of more than 4,100 RTD projects with an overall budget of up to 180M€, and with external sources funding continually rising.
Role in MOBI-TWIN project:
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General Partner Description:
The University of Groningen (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen – RUG), founded in 1614, is a public research university in the city of Groningen in the Netherlands. It is a member of the distinguished international Coimbra Group of European universities. The University of Groningen belongs to the top 100 large comprehensive research universities in the world. The Faculty of Spatial Sciences and the Groningen Center for Social Complexity Studies have a broad expertise in economic and social geography, spatial microsimulation, agent-based simulation and the spatial economics and demographics of happiness.
Role in MOBI-TWIN project:
RUG plays a leading role in the development and application of spatial microsimulation and agent-based models for the assessment of the impact of spatial mobility on EU regions. These models are aimed at generating realistic synthetic populations and their spatial mobility behaviours at small area level by combining datasets from different sources and under different assumptions and scenarios.
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General Partner Description:
The Regional Quantitative Analysis Group (UB-AQR) is located in the Dpt. of Econometrics, Statistics and Applied Economics of the University of Barcelona (UB). AQR has been involved in the 6th and 7th FP and is involved in H2020 and HEurope programme. AQR has participated in projects for the DG ECFIN, advises the European Parliament on Economic issues, and develops projects for Eurofound on labour economics. The group runs research projects granted by the Spanish Ministry of Science and develops consultancy for international, national and regional public administrations.
Role in MOBI-TWIN project:
UB will assess the level of attractiveness of EU regions using a set of dimensions: personal aspects, socio-economic conditions, ecological factors and connectivity. In addition, UB team will develop a Regional Attractiveness Index (RAI) for EU regions, which will the base for building a typology of EU regions based on such index.
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Digital Geography Lab at University of Helsinki in Finland is an interdisciplinary research team focusing on spatial big data analytics for fair and sustainable society. We aim at understanding society through interactions between people, and between people and their environment, from a geographical perspective. Much of our work uses people’s mobility and physical accessibility as an indicator of these interactions. Methodologically, we are experts in mining and analyzing spatial big data and combining it with other traditional data sources.
Role in MOBI-TWIN project:
To provide expertise on spatial mobility analysis for various forms (migration, commuting, temporary), cross-border regions, multilocal living and big data analytics, and knowledge about the North & East Finland pilot region. We create and manage the complete project database, map and analyze mobility flows in the EU regions, and provide the baseline for future mobility modelling and forecasting.
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General Partner Description:
ESF is a non-profit organisation that supports scientific research across Europe by providing high-quality, independent science operations to the European Research Area. Their core activities include Research Project Grant Evaluation, coordination of European projects, funding programmes and administration of scientific platforms. They have considerable background acting as ‘Project Office’ for EC projects, and coordinating a wide range of pan-European scientific initiatives, programmes and H2020 and Horizon Europe projects.
Role in MOBI-TWIN project:
ESF role is to align ΜΟΒΙ-TWIN’s scope and aims with the values, needs and expectations of society using RRI principles, review EU policies and risk mitigation measures affecting freedom of movement between regions, conduct regional multi-stakeholder dialogues and derive concrete policy recommendations to assess and manage the impacts of changing spatial mobility patterns during Twin Transition.
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The Department of Architecture and Urban Studies of the Polytechnic University of Milan carries out research on a variety of topics, including urban policy and local planning. Our team offers two types of expertise. Ilaria Mariotti and Federica Rossi, both economists, have a solid record of research in mobility patterns, also in the wake of the transformations brought about by the Covid-19 lockdowns. Manos Matsaganis, also an economist, has long experience with tax-benefit microsimulation modelling, used to estimate the effects of policy changes on the income distribution and government finances.
Role in MOBI-TWIN project:
Our role in the project is twofold: (i) to consider the effects of the digital and green transitions on mobility patterns in a number of European regions, among which Lombardy, and (ii) to quantify their impact on the economy and society, using a computational tool known as “spatial microsimulation model”. Ilaria Mariotti and Federica Rossi will lead (i), Manos Matsaganis will lead (ii).
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General Partner Description:
The Regional Development Institute (RDI) founded in 1975, is a University Research Institute, affiliated to the Department of Economic and Regional Development of the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences (Athens). It operates as a private, not for profit, legal organization entity. The RDI has contributed significantly to the field of Regional Development and Policy, Urban Analysis and Urban Development, Decentralization and Multi-level governance, Cultural Industries and Development, Tourism and Environmental Policy, Application of New Digital Technologies in Spatial Planning and Development. RDI has participated in various research projects and studies commissioned by the Greek Government, European Union, international organizations, research institutions, as well as local authorities and socioeconomic agencies.
Role in MOBI-TWIN project:
RDI will act as a regional inequalities and policy expert and will participate in the implementation of pilot case 1 at Central Macedonia in Greece. RDI will also be responsible for developing 6 policy recommendations, one per pilot country and one at EU-level, for tackling regional imbalances triggered by spatial mobility during Twin Transition.
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Acceligence Ltd.
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General Partner Description:
ACCELIGENCE Ltd. (ACCELI) is a Cyprus-based company, established in 2019. ACC is an innovative SME and is engaged in cutting edge R&D activities giving a particular focus on Unmanned Automated Vehicles, haptics, and other robotic solutions. Our company can provide a fully custom and “open” platforms and solutions, able to be adapted to the specific needs of any project or product, and able to be equipped with different components (sensors/ analytics/actuators). ACC’s experience is based on more than 15 years activities in relevant technological/ technical market.
Role in MOBI-TWIN project:
As the Dissemination and Communication Manager for the MOBI-TWIN project, Acceligence is dedicated to effectively disseminating and communicating the project’s outcomes. Our role encompasses providing all project partners with comprehensive communication materials, ensuring consistency and recognizability throughout all dissemination activities. Our primary objective is to convey knowledge about the MOBI-TWIN project to the public in a clear and accessible manner, amplifying its impact and engaging relevant stakeholders. Through our efforts, we aim to enhance the visibility of the MOBI-TWIN project and its actions.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement no. 101094402
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